Merge Tags in Signmee
View student medical form - individual forms or whole school report
Sign, withdraw, update, decline a form
Load students and parent details into Signmee from CSV
Updating student tags for a new school year (roll over)
Add School Bytes 'Parent Online Payment Portal' link to Signmee forms
Alert settings - notifications when parents update medical form
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Video 4: Set up new business account and add members
Video 5: Add contacts (students/parents) to the school account
Video 9: Create and distribute communications
Video 11: Purchases, payments and receipts
Video 6: Set up PayPal (to enable the business to receive funds) (OPTIONAL)
Video 1: Create personal account
Video 8: Create business letterheads (logo and images)
Video 7: Set up BPAY (to enable the business to receive funds) (OPTIONAL)
What is a Grabmee?
Single note for all class groups · completed